I write

I write to breathe, to try and stop time from tripping on down the trail and around the bend without me, to give the descriptions and wandering wonderings in my head a place to curl up for a while and just be.

Jamie Lynn Heller uses poetry as her caffeine (and she needs a lot to keep up with her life of school counseling, teaching, parenting, wife-ing, daughtering, aunting, neighboring, writing, and other -ings ). Her book Buried in the Suburbs was published in 2018 (Woodley Press) and received the 2019 Kansas Notable Book Award. Her chapbook Domesticated : Poetry From Around the House was published in 2015 (Finishing Line Press). She has 90+ poems published in literary journals and magazines (for a complete list of publications see below).

Wednesday, June 2, 2021

Publications 2019-2021

I-70 Review
Witness Marks
Fall 2021

Interpretations.  Columbia Art League Sponsor
What I'm trying to say is that when you come into the room
August 2021

MockingHeart Review
I Won't Knock on Your Door
June 2021

Life in My Lane: April is National Poetry Month - Will You Give Poetry a Chance? by Annie Newcomer
When the Words Come, They Feel Like a Blessing
April 2021

Johnson Country Public Library Poetry Walk and Writer's Blog
Front Windows
April 2021

Johnson Country Library Writer's Conference Notebook
I Turned My Father into a Puppet
November 2021

Universal Oneness: An Anthology of Magnum Opus Poems from around the World
June 2019

Blue City Poets
Controlled Burn 
Flying Ketchup Press  https://www.flyingketchuppress.com/
April 2019